Non-Fungible token (FT)

Updated on April 18th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.

  1. To unassign Non-Fungible tokens which you assigned to scholar accounts, follow these instructions

Step 1: In the Assets tab, click on the "Unassign" button of the NFTs list section.

Step 2: Choose the NFT to unassign then click the Unassign button.


  • Non-Fungible tokens include Soul Core, Mongen, Land Plot, and Box.

  • If your NFT is not unlocked, you need to click on the unlock button and pay the fee to unlock that NFT.

  1. To unassign NFT earned by the scholar, please follow these steps

  • Step 1: Click on the "Unlock" button to unlock item

Step 2: Click on the "Take owner right" button

  • Step 3: Click on the "Unassign" button to unassign NFT

  • Earned NFTs are locked, the investor will have to pay the take owner right fee to get the NFT back into his account.

  • The take owner fee is equal to the MAGVault value calculated at the time of minting multiplied by the MAG share factor.

  • For example, One NFT is worth 100 MAG Vault Points. At the time this NFT is earned. The conversion value of 100 MAG Vault Point = 10 MAG/hour. Then the sharing fee will be calculated as 10 MAG/hour * 24 hours * 28 days = 6720 MAG

  • Only unlocked and unused NFTs can be Unassigned

  • NFT when unassigning from scholar will be locked for 48 hours

Last updated