List of Runeword
Updated on Aug 11th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.
Last updated
Updated on Aug 11th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.
Last updated
Runewords are ordered combinations of runes.
The runeword activates additional special effects while keeping the effects from its component runes.
Runeword needs Runepower to unlock special effects.
Runepower is provided by the Rune components in Runeword.
The higher the rune rarity, the more Runepower it provides
Rune Rarity
The Runeword recipe will be updated when a player in the server discovers it.
Shadow Step
Ember Cloak
Kenaz - Algiz- Hagalaz - Algiz
Thunder Cloak
Thurisaz - Algiz- Hagalaz - Algiz
Ice Cloak
Isa - Algiz- Hagalaz - Algiz
Poison Cloak
Energy Cloak
Sand Cloak
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 10% chance to knock out the target if they are below 50% HP?
25 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, instantly knock out the target if they are below 10% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 10% chance to knock out the target if they are below 50% HP?
25 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, instantly knock out the target if they are below 10% HP
Voodoo Master
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 10% chance to knock out the target if they are below 50% HP?
25 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, instantly knock out the target if they are below 10% HP
Dead Eye
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 10% chance to knock out the target if they are below 50% HP?
25 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, instantly knock out the target if they are below 10% HP
Thirsty Fang
Undying Will
12 Runepower: Mongen deals 15% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP?
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
Sudden Death
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with no side effect can deal damage to this Mongen
16 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a troop, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 40% HP
20 Runepower: When this mongen deals damage to a mongen, there is 5% chance to knock out the target if they are below 25% HP
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3 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 10% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
6 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 25%
9 Runepower: When smashed a Shield, deal damage equal to 50% of smashed Shield's HP to target.
12 Runepower: When smashed a Shield, deal damage equal to 25% of smashed Shield's HP to target and all nearby enemy's unit.
15 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 50% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
4 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 15% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
8 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 30%
12 Runepower: Attacker has 50% chance to receive Burned effect for 30s
16 Runepower: This Mongen never receives Burned effect
20 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 75% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
4 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 15% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
8 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 30%
12 Runepower: Attacker has 50% chance to receive Paralyzedeffect for 7.5s
16 Runepower: This Mongen never receives Paralyzed effect
20 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 75% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
4 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 15% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
8 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 30%
12 Runepower: Attacker has 50% chance to receive Slowed effect for 15s
16 Runepower: This Mongen never receives Slowed effect
20 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 75% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
- Algiz- Hagalaz - Algiz
4 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 15% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
8 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 30%
12 Runepower: Attacker has 50% chance to receive Poisoned effect for 7.5s
16 Runepower: This Mongen never receives Poisoned effec
20 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 75% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
- Algiz- Hagalaz - Algiz
4 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 15% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
8 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 30%
12 Runepower: Attacker has 50% chance to receive Confused effect for 10s
16 Runepower: This Mongen never receives Confused effect
20 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 75% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
- Algiz- Hagalaz - Algiz
4 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 15% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
8 Runepower: Shielding amount received from skill increases by 30%
12 Runepower: Attacker has 50% chance to receive Drowsy effect for 5s
16 Runepower: This Mongen never receives Drowsy effect
20 Runepower: While having Shield, deal 75% of received damage to all nearby enemy's unit
- Tiwaz - Othala - -
5 Runepower: Increase HP by 15.00% in all Game mode
10 Runepower: Increase MG by 25.00% in all Game mode
15 Runepower: After this mongen defeats troop by using skill, Heal itself equal to 5% of its max HP
- Hagalaz - Othala - -
5 Runepower: Increase HP by 15.00% in all Game mode
10 Runepower: Increase MG by 25.00% in all Game mode
15 Runepower: After this mongen defeats troop by using skill, Heal itself equal to 5% of its max HP
- Gebo - Othala - -
5 Runepower: Increase HP by 15.00% in all Game mode
10 Runepower: Increase MG by 25.00% in all Game mode
15 Runepower: After this mongen defeats troop by using skill, Heal itself equal to 5% of its max HP
- Mannaz - Wunjo - -
5 Runepower: Increase HP by 15.00% in all Game mode
10 Runepower: Increase MG by 25.00% in all Game mode
15 Runepower: After this mongen defeats troop by using skill, Heal itself equal to 5% of its max HP
- - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 25.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Increase AGR by 25.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: Increase MG by 35.00% in all Game mode
16 Runepower: After stealing energy from enemy, Heal itself equal to 800% of stolen energy
20 Runepower: After stealing energy from enemy, create a shield equal to 800% of stolen energy for 2 second
- - - - -
6 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, there is 50% chance to remove all negetive effect before applying Healing Effect
18 Runepower: Healing amount received from skill increased by 25%
24 Runepower: When receive Healing effect from skill, receive a Shield equal to 45% of healed amount for 2 seconds.
30 Runepower: After defeated and has max HP above 5000 HP, this mongen automatically respawns with max HP reduced by 50%. Unit cannot receives Revive effect anymore.
Sowilo - - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 90.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Smashed effect can deal damage to this Mongen
Kenaz - - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 90.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Burned effect can deal damage to this Mongen
Thurisaz - - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Paralyzedeffect can deal damage to this Mongen
Isa - - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Slowedeffect can deal damage to this Mongen
- - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Poisonedeffect can deal damage to this Mongen
- - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Confused effect can deal damage to this Mongen
- - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Drowsyeffect can deal damage to this Mongen
- - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode
12 Runepower: When get hit by a skill, only skill with Energy Vamp effect can deal damage to this Mongen
- - -
4 Runepower: Decrease HP by 75.00% in all Game mode
8 Runepower: Decrease STD by 50.00% in all Game mode