Fungible token (FT)

Updated on April 18th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.

To unassign Fungible tokens to scholar accounts, follow these instructions

Step 1: In the Assets tab, click on "Unassign" button of Fungible Token list section.

Step 2: Choose the Fungible token to unassign then enter unassign amount

Step 3: Click on Unassign button to finish


  • Fungible tokens include MAG, MSTR, Elixir, Mutated Gen, stones and tickets.

  • The MAG, MSTR, Elixir, Mutated Gen that the scholar earns during the day will be divided according to the sharing ratio and sent to the in-game mailbox of the owner's account and the account linked to the scholar's wallet at 00:00 each day. Scholar account cannot use this function

  • Stone types and tickets will be automatically assigned to scholar accounts. Owners can unassign at any time.

  • If you want to unassign stones, evolution items, or tickets, you will have to pay the same fee as converting these items into on-chain.

Last updated