Delete Account

Updated on April 18th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.

To delete a scholar account, please following these instruction

Step 1: Click the "Delete" button on the scholar account you want to delete.

Step 2: Enter "confirm" into the textbox

Step 3: Click Confirm to finish


When the owner delete scholar's account then:

  • All earned tokens (MAG, MSTR, Elixir, Mutated Gen) will be sent to the owner's account, and scholar's salary account.

  • All unlocked NFTs will be sent to the owner's account mailbox

  • All unclaimed FTs and locked NFTs will be deleted permanently

  • All assigned FTs (Stones, Tickets, Evolution item) will be deleted permanently. Please unassign them before delete scholar's account.

Last updated