In-game Shop

Updated on June 30th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.

What is In-game Shop

The In-game Shop is the shop in Monsterra. You can use sMAG and MSTR to directly purchase items to increase your power.

For items purchased with MSTR, the development team will use the admin wallet to perform on-chain transactions to purchase items directly from other players on the Marketplace. A small fee will be charged to the purchase price to offset the gas fee of the transaction.

How to Purchase Items from In-game Shop

Step 1: Open the Shop

Step 2: User filter to Search what kind of item you want to purchase.

Step 3: Select item you want to purchase and select "Purchase" button

Step 4: Check Transaction status in My Order

My Transaction Status

You can check the transaction status in the My Order tab

In the status column, the status of the transaction will be displayed.

Status list:

  • Pending: MSTR has been deducted but admin wallet has not made a purchase on the market

  • Verification: The admin wallet has made a purchase on the market. Waiting for successful transaction

  • Failed: Wallet admin made a purchase on the marketplace but failed. MSTR has not been refunded to user account

  • Refunded: Wallet admin made a purchase on the platform but failed. MSTR has been refunded to the user account

  • Sending: The admin wallet has made a successful purchase on the market. The item is being sent to the user account

  • Succeed: Wallet admin has made a successful purchase on the marketplace. The item has been sent to the user account

You can click the Show Hash button to display the transaction's Txt Hash for you to look up

The Show Info button is used to redisplay the information of the item in the transaction

Last updated