Draculla de Monsterra

Updated on October 20th, 2022. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.


Name: Draculla de Monsterra Bio: The hunger for food that arose after the season one battlefront took its toll on the entire Monsterra continent. That hunger awakened an ancient creature that had long slumbered in the deepest cave of the continent. With the new threat, will all the inhabitants of the Monsterra continent put aside their animosity and overcome this danger together? Release Info: Dracula de Monstera is the first boss to be released with the new Boss Challenge game mode on Halloween 2022.

Boss Information

Boss can have many different variations and appear periodically throughout the course of the event




Droppable Rewards

Variant #1002550

Variant #50500

Variant #05050

Variant #10050

Variant #50100

Variant #50

Variant #100

Last updated