Race & Rarity Set 1
Updated on May 29th, 2023. Actual in-game values may vary from those shown in this document.
In-game figures may differ from those in documents
Effect: Tectos mongen increases their chosen stats by 4% every time an opponent's unit -> unit (mongen and troop) is defeated. That bonus stat is 2x if it's mongen.
Effect: When Mystic Mongens cast their ultimate skill, they cast that skill again with damage reduced.
Effect: At the start of the battle, Chaos mongen and their troops are teleported to the back of the opponent's formation, becomes untargetable, indestructible and receives +30RNG for 3 seconds and deals more damage with critical hit
Effect: Every time your uncommon mongens and their troops receive a negative effect, there is a chance to apply the same effect to the attacker.
Effect: Basic skills of your mongens and their troops have a 50% chance to gain more energy.
Effect: Each time an epic mongens & their troops takes damage by a skill, deal damage to the attacker an amount based on the damage the attacker inflicted
Effect: The first time legendary mongen are defeated, they are continue fighting with 1 HP for a few seconds. During this effect, they are immune to all effects and deals 200% bonus damage
Last updated